Monday, 13 November 2017

What Is The Importance Of Data Enhancement?

Technically, data enhancement is the process of taking external consumer marketing information and overlaying or appending it into your current prospect or customer files. Unlike buying a list, it will add valuable lifestyle, socio-economic as well as demographic data to the existing consumer or potential customer files.

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Five Easy Tips to Improve Your Email Open Rates

Over the years, email marketing has allowed businesses to expand their reach at a fraction of the cost of other various marketing strategies used by different brands today. Its ability to target specific audiences and make the most of customer interest generated from different sources is one of the primary reasons why it has been known to improve conversion rates for many brands and businesses.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Email marketing: 20 great ways to expand your email database

1. Email newsletter sign-up [not].
Yes, make sure that shoppers can give their email address to you. But, more importantly, give them a good reason! Too many retailers have a simple “sign up” button with no associated benefits. We all need a little incentive to hand over our email address, but we don’t need too much if we feel an affinity with the brand. Try these…

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

10 Ways to Improve Your Email Marketing

Most brands have a “pretty decent” email marketing program. Take a look at these 10 things to try and improve your engagement.

Friday, 3 February 2017

Enhance Your Email Marketing Campaigns with Seed Lists

In the world of email marketing, the addresses you collect are a vital part of your business. Each one of those email addresses represents a potential new customer, and a simple and inexpensive way to reach for new business.

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

8 Email List Building Strategies That Enhance Your Website Marketing

In our present internet world, every individual operates an email. The purpose of using emails might differ from person to person, but a common thing among all people is that they check their mails at regular intervals. With stats reflecting that one in every five individuals check their mail inbox every morning, emails have become a good source for business marketing.

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

3 Easy Ways to Improve Your Email Marketing List

Two years back, the idea that social media would hasten the death of email marketing was hotly debated in blogs and op-eds throughout the digital marketing community. And while I don’t see it often anymore, I will occasionally stumble upon a blog that states, “Yes, email marketing is very much alive and well.”

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

4 Ways To Build Your Email List Today (Without Spending Time Learning New Tactics)

When I first started out in the online business and blogging world, I tried every tactic I could get my hands on to try to gain more traffic and build my email list. I felt like I was throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what would stick, and what I ended up with was a splotchy wall and very little traffic to show for it.

Wednesday, 4 January 2017


Thirty years in the list industry, and for the first time I’m witnessing an infection contaminate the reputation of our list industry. I’m referring to the recent explosion of new start-ups … with little history in the list industry … that are peddling bogus email addresses.